Bailou Weng’s breeding method and precautions

Bai Tou Weng’s breeding method


White head is suitable for growing in soil with deep soil and well drainage. Sandy soil or sticky soil can be used, and a sufficient amount of base fertilizer is added.

Light and temperature

Baitou Weng likes the environment with sufficient sunshine, afraid of strong light, like coolness, strong cold resistance, and more afraid of high temperature. The suitable temperature for Baitou Weng’s growth is between 10 ° C and 21 ° C. In summer, the temperature is high and the sun is strong. You can put the potted plant of the white head in a cool place, shade it, and sprinkle the water around the plants of the white head to reduce the temperature to create a small environment suitable for Baitou. Pay attention to thermal insulation in winter, and place the potted potted potted in the sun that can be exposed to the sun.

Water and fertilizer management

While Bailou Weng needs to combine watering and fertilizer during the maintenance process to do a good job of water and fertilizer management. White head is like fertilizer, but does not choose fertilizer. When fertilizing, some base fertilizers need to be applied during planting. After that, it can apply rotten liquid fertilizer every half a month during the growth period. When fertilizing, it is necessary to combine watering to pour water to keep the pot soil wet. Because the white head is not resistant to salt and alkali, some iron sulfate is needed to promote growth. During the maintenance process, we must pay attention to avoiding long phenomena, controlling watering and reducing fertilization, so that Baitou weng blooms as soon as possible.

Precautions for Bai Tou Weng’s breeding


During the breeding process, Bailou Weng will encounter some pests and insect pests, such as root rot, mostly due to stagnant water. During the maintenance process, you need to prevent stagnant water and spray some drugs in time. , Harmly harm.

Breeding method

White heads are mainly reproduced by branches and sowing breeding. The breeding of the division is carried out in autumn, and the sowing breeding can also be sowed in autumn.