Blossom Period

Blossom period of bellflower flowers

Polybar flower flowers usually grow in the sun and shy with sufficient sunlight. If the orange bellflower is sown in spring, it will bloom in June and sow in autumn, and it will bloom in the second year. Therefore, its flowering period is relatively long, for four months. The color of the benign flowers is blue -purple, and its flower looks like a hanging clock, which is a good set of scenery.

The influencing factor of the blooming of the bellflower flowers

First of all, the roots of the bellflower flowers are thick and thick, and they will store a lot of nutrients. It likes light, and also likes humid air, does not like dry cold wind, is not suitable for growing in the shade, these factors will affect its flowering.

Secondly, the degree of fertility of the soil and whether the drainability is good is also a factor that affects flowering.

Finally, it is picking flowers. Because the orangeflower flower period is long, the nutrients are also large. Picking flowers will give it sufficient nutrients, which will help better and more growth.

The maintenance of the blooming of the bellflower flowers

Polybar flower preferences light, so there must be sufficient light, put it on the balcony of the sun, do not put it on a cold place.

The growth of beniests require nutrients, so the soil must be fertile, and a certain amount of humidity should be maintained, and the drainability of the soil should be good.

When the benign flowers bloom, many flowers will grow, but because they need to be nutrients, they need to be topped to ensure the uniform supply of nutrients, so that the bellflower flowers will be highly produced.

Well, the little friends, the flowering period and maintenance of the beniest flowers and the maintenance, do you know, do it!