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Do you really sleep in water lilies?

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Will water lily sleep?

There is a strange habit of water lilies, that is, it will sleep. Of course, sleeping lily is not like humans.

Every evening in the evening, the sun falls and the night comes. At this time, in the night, the water lily will slowly put the petals until the petals are closed. At 8 or 9 o’clock in the morning, the sun is gradually bright, and the water lilies will slowly wake up and gradually raise their heads. After noon, beautiful flowers will bloom. This is the journey of “sleeping” to “wake up”.

Because the sunrise of water lilies wakes up, the characteristics of the sunset are just like a person sleeping, so the name of the water lily is very appropriate. So, is water lilies really sleeping?

Is the water lily really in the water lilies?

In fact, this water lilies are not sleeping, this is the sun that makes the show. Water lily itself is very sensitive to the sun. Reasons for the opening and closing of the petals of the water lilies during the sun.

In the morning, the petals of the water lilies will slowly open. Because at this time, the outside of the petals closed by the water lilies is shined by the sun, the growth will slow down, the inner side is the back sun, and it will develop quickly. At this time, the flower of the water lilies will bloom.

At noon, the flowers of the water lilies will stretch into a large disc. At this time, the inner side of the petals of the water lilies will be illuminated by one, the growth will become slower, and the outside will be the opposite. The speed of growth will slowly close the flowers of the water lily. Water lilies will “fall asleep.”