How to breed goose palm grass

Temperature management of Goose Palm Cao cultivation

The temperature of the most suitable goose palm grass is 16-24 ° C, and the minimum cannot be lower than 12 ° C. It is not resistant to high temperature. In summer, the temperature is relatively high. It must be shifted to a well -ventilated position at 30 ° C. It can also spray some water around the plant to reduce the temperature. In winter, it can be moved to indoor maintenance. If there is heating facilities in the home, the temperature is easy to ensure, but do not directly put the potted plants on the radiator or beside it.

The light management of goose grass cultivation

Goose Palm grass likes to be full of light, so it is necessary to ensure the supply of sunlight. Pay attention to proper shade in summer to avoid exposure, and continue to accept light in winter to ensure normal growth activities.

Soil management of geese grass cultivation

It is best to choose a loose and breathable, well -drained and fertile soil, and avoid long -term water accumulation.

Watering problem of goose grass cultivation

Watering generally follows the principle of not drying or pouring. When the pot soil is dry, watering is watered, and watering should be poured. Summer evaporation is relatively fast and can increase the amount of water appropriately, but in other times, it can reduce the supply of water appropriately. Especially in winter, the soil should not be in a humid state for a long time, otherwise it is easy to rot.

Fertilization of Goose Palm Cao cultivation

Fertilizer can be carried out in conjunction with watering. Each month is applied to 500 times diluted fertilizer liquid or 7-8%of a special nutrient solution to ensure the nutrients required for the growth of goose.

Pruning problem of goose palm grass farming

In order to make goose palm grass better, and for better viewing, it needs to be trimmed. Generally speaking, during the growth process, the petiole of the base is slowly degraded, and the support of the support needs to be cut in time. After flowering, the flower stalk also needs to be cut off when it is yellow.

How to breed goose with the editor will introduce here with you, I hope the flower friends can raise the beautiful and cute goose palm grass.