How to raise a general


The general can also be called the general pillar, which is a type of cactus of the cactus clutch. Peru and Argentina are its origin. Ban Yin, avoid wetness. Like the growing environment with plenty of sunlight, dry and warm, which is more resistant to drought. The suitable growth temperature is about 18-30 ° C. The room temperature in winter needs to be kept above 5 ° C. When the temperature is too low, the leaves will be slightly red.


The general stick is very easy to feed, but the growth is slow, and the growth period is in the spring and autumn seasons. In summer, pay attention to ventilation and riot sun exposure. In winter, you should do a good job of heat preservation, and some may bloom in winter.


Growing up in a warm and ventilated environment, giving sufficient light, to prevent exposure in summer and perform proper shading.


Requires dry and wet. Watering is not uniform or too much, otherwise the leaves of the leaves may be dropped and rotten. Watering must be poured through, wait until the pot soil is dry.


In the early stage of the general stick, 5 ~ 10 granules can be applied, and the number of fertilizers can be applied every 7-10 days.

Pot soil

The soil is suitable to choose a mixed small gravel of peat soil with good ventilation and ventilation to plant it



The general stick belongs to the fairy palm family. It contains toxicity and is not edible. It is best to put it away from the child. Once a poisoning phenomenon occurs, go to the hospital for regular treatment.

Method of generals

Cuttings and sowing are often used.

Cuttings: Cut the branches down, dry the incision, insert the incision and insert it into the plain sand soil, keep the soil slightly wet, and do not pour too much water.