How to raise Jianghu Zi


Edo Purple Sedima Koga Blue dishes are succulent plants and are native to Africa. Pleasant warmth, semi -yin, dry and sunny growth environment, resistant to drought and cold. Hi warmth, the best temperature growth is between 18 ° C and 23 ° C, and the temperature in winter cannot survive once below 10 ° C.



Edo Zixi has a sunny growth environment, which is resistant to semi -yin. In the spring and autumn and winter seasons, the Edo purple must be sufficient, and it should be appropriately shaped for it in summer in summer to cultivate the leaves of the leaves, the white powder is obvious, and the clear and clear purple -brown spots can be cultivated.


In the strong growth period of Edo purple, in the spring and autumn seasons, the pot soil must be kept moist but not accumulated. In summer, ventilation should be strengthened and moderate watering should be strengthened to avoid being too large due to the large soil humidity, causing the base stems and leaves to become rotten.


Apply a rotten thin liquid fertilizer or inorganic compound fertilizer once a month. Fertilization should not be too diligent, too much.

Pot and trimming work

Change the pots once a year. Pot soil should be loose and fertile, and sandy soil with good drainage and water retention.

Pruning the plants to keep the plant perfect.

Due to the developed Edo purple root system, large flower pots should be selected for planting. The new plant is placed in bright light and no direct sunlight. It does not have to be poured too much water. After the recovery grows, it will be maintained normally.

Way of breeding

Generally, cutting methods are used in spring and autumn. It can also be carried out when the temperature is higher than 18 ° C in winter.