How to raise Qun Biyu

The soil of Qunbi Jade

Qun Biyu likes to have good drainage and ventilated sandy soil. It can be mixed with rotten leaf soil, cultivating soil and coarse sand to change the pot every two years.

Qun Biyu’s watering

In the growing period of Qun Biyu, keep the pot soil moist, but the pot soil cannot accumulate water. Avoid rain, otherwise it will lead to rotten roots. Do not pour water during the dormant during summer, and control watering in winter.

Qun Biyu’s light

Qun Biyu should be maintained in a ventilated and cool place in high temperature in summer to avoid sunlight. Accept the sunlight during the growth period, otherwise it will lead to long branches and leaves, but not bloom. Put in a place with better indoor light in winter.

The temperature of Qun Bi Jade

Qun Biyu is not resistant to winter in winter. It is necessary to ensure that the wintering temperature is above 5 ° C to ensure smooth winter. Therefore, in the indoor maintenance, special attention in the northern region should pay special attention to the cold prevention and warmth in winter.

Qun Biyu’s fertilization

Qun Biyu should apply diluted cake fertilizer water or potted mild release fertilizer once a month. When fertilizing, avoid the surface of the blades, causing some spots. Fertilization should be stopped in summer dormancy and winter.