How to raise white peony

Temperature requirements

White peony is winter type, likes to warm, dry and ventilated, strong adaptivity, the temperature is preferably 15 ~ 25 ° C, winter cannot be less than 5 ° C, otherwise it is easy to frost.

Watering method

Watering and sticking to the soil and then watering, usually 1 month. Summer is properly shaded and paying attention to ventilation, winter control watering, in the indoor to the puree.

The hot summer is 4 to 5 times a month, and it does not flow. It is easy to maintain the normal growth of white peony plants, and the summer water is too easy to rot.

Winter temperature is less than 5 degrees, it is necessary to break water, keep the pot soil dry, try to keep not less than zero 3 degrees, cold winter water will be rotten. All-day photos, the growth period must be fully pleasant, otherwise it will “discuss”. “

Illumination requirements

Spring and autumn are white peony growth period and can take full sun. Summary in summer, you have to ventilate.

Breeding method

The breeding of white peony is mainly relying on the plant side buds, the leaves are inserted and the head, and the progents from the residual stems can be continuous from the sprouts, and it is very easy to grow lateral buds. The survival rate is relatively high, and the leaf plug can obtain a large number of seedlings.

Spring is the season of lateral buds. At this time, the breeding growth is the fastest, and the white peony can be breed in four seasons, and the small blade is lost in the stomach or insert can grow independent plants.

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