Mao Jasmine’s breeding method and precautions

Mao Jasmine’s breeding method

Water and fertilizer management

Mao Jasmi watering is generally better to keep the pot soil moist, and watering requires an appropriate amount. When the air is relatively dry, you can improve the humidity of the air by spraying water. After autumn, you need to water less to ensure that the soil is not dry. If you apply fertilizer, it is usually 7 days -10 days of fertilizer water. In summer, applying 2 times phosphate fertilizer can promote the growth of flower buds. By fertilization in autumn.

Light and temperature

Mao Jasmi likes warm and sunny growth environment. Generally, it is necessary to give sufficient light during the growth season, but in summer, pay attention to shading, especially at noon with strong light and high temperature at noon. Pay attention to thermal insulation in winter, it is best to keep it in the warm room for maintenance, and you need to find a place with sunlight.

Breeding method

Mao Jasmine’s reproduction is mainly cuttings and breeding. It is carried out in spring and summer and breeds quickly. In addition, pressing can be propagated.

Precautions for breeding of Mao Jasmine


Potted plants need to be replaced with pots. Generally, the pots are changed once every 2 years to 3 years. Generally, in March or after flowering in early spring.


Mao Jasmine’s trimming is generally combined with pots, which requires trimming the disease, weakness, dead branches, etc., and the old roots of the hairy jasmine and the branches of flowers to promote the growth of the new branches.


Mao Jasmi will have insect pests during the growth period, mainly leaf moths and red spiders, which need to be controlled in time. Generally, potions can be used for spraying.