Mexican iron tree breeding method


The soil of the Mexican iron tree is best to use soil loose and fertile sandy soil. When turning the pot, it is necessary to use coarse stone, broken tiles, etc. to do drainage layers at the bottom of the flower pot, and add 2 to 3 pieces of horseshoe slices and cake fertilizer as base fertilizer.


During the period when the summer growth is relatively strong, thin rotten cake fertilizer can be applied, and the frequency is 1 to 2 times a month. Some “black alum water” can be applied when topdressing, which can play the effect of making green leaves bright and green.


Mexican iron trees are relatively happy. It is recommended that in the seedling period and the spring and summer seasons in the place where the sun can be directly shined. Remember not to expose it for a long time. When the new leaves grow up, they can be moved indoors to watch. Note that if the temperature is lower than zero, it is best to move into the room.


In the long run of plants, the soil should be kept moist, but it is best not to accumulate water. When high temperature in summer, spray water on the leaf surface appropriately to keep the leaf surface bright and green. In winter, the soil should be more dry, otherwise it is prone to rotten roots.


Mexican iron trees generally have fewer diseases and insect pests. If there are beetles, it is best to use artificial washing and deworming. If the leaf surface is yellow, it is recommended to spray with a 1%sulfate methacine. In addition, we must maintain the environmental light transmission and ventilation, hygienic and tidy.

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