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Purple variants

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Wild purple

Learned for Perilla Frutescens (L.) Britton Var.acuta (Odash.) Kudô.

The difference between wild Ziwu and Ziwu is that the wild purple fruit is less than 4-5.5 mm, and there is a sparse sparse, and there is a short-snap of hair.

The blade is relatively small, oval, length 4.5-7.5 cm, width, 2.5 cm wide, there are silent hair on the upper and lower sides of the blade, small nuts are relatively small, the soil yellow, the diameter is 1-1.5 mm.

Ear teeth varies of purple Soviet

Learn Perilla Frutescens (L.) Britton Var.auriculatodentatac. Y. Wu & Hsuan EX H. W. LI.

This variety is very similar to wild purple, and the difference is that the Ye Chi is circular or a few moods, and there is a lack of ear and the stamens extends slightly in the corolla.

From Zhejiang, China, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei, Guizhou, is born in the mountainside or forest.

Back to Su

Learned for Perilla Frutescens (L.) Britton Var.crispa (Thunb.) Hand.-Mazz.

The difference between Sui and Ziwu is that there is a narrow and deep sawtooth on the leaves, often purple, and the fruit is relatively small.

All parts of China have cultivated, used in medicine or as a spice.


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