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The difference between agave and aloe vera

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The leaf of agave and aloe vera is a bit of green and green, with a small thorn. However, the leaf of the agave is asgenerated, and the leaves can be 1.7 meters and 20 cm wide. The leaves of the aloe vera are green, about 15 to 40 cm long, thick 1.5 cm, relatively, the guro leaves are longer.

Second, although the leaf of the agave is a meat, but the leaves are broken, there is a casino, and the juice will not flow. After the leaves of the aloe vera, there is no luggage after the leaves, which will flow out of yellow viscosity juice.

The leaf of the agave is a hook, hard and pointed, and the aloe leaves also have a small thorn, but it is more soft.

Leaf growth method

The agave leaf is growing at the leaves, the outer leaves will be covered with leaves inside. The base is arranged in a rosar shape. The leaves of aloe vera are arranged, from the small leaves to be separated, and the long is more booted.


The agave flowers are not easy to see, and the pedicles are pulled out of the lotus center. It can reach 7 to 8 meters. When flowering, the white or light yellow bells are more than hundreds, flowering after the flowering results, oval or spherical Fruit.

Aloe vera is a total order. When flowering, the stalks are pumped in the leaves, and the inflorescence is not as high as tequila, with 60 to 90 cm. The flowers are intensive, the color is orange and yellow, with yellow spots, calyx green, more than the agave. The fruit of the triangular triangle has many seeds.

It should be noted that the agave is toxic, misunderstood may be poisoned, and the agave is no beauty. Aloe verse can eat, but it is not all poisonous.


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