The difference between mandala and okra

The difference between mandala and okra ~ Leaf

The leaves of the mandala

Mandala is a one -year herbaceous plant. Its leaves are born with each other, and the above part is a pair of biological traits.

The overall leaves are ovate or wide ovate. The top is gradually becoming tip. The base is asymmetric wedge -shaped, and there is an irregular wave -shaped shallow crack distribution on it. The petiole is about 5 cm long.

Okra leaves

The leaves of okra are born with each other, with thick hair covered on both sides of the leaves, and palm -like cracks.

The leaves below the plant are round and large, and the leaves to the upper half of the plant gradually become thin and small.

The leaves of the okra also have round leaves. The leaves are round, the petiole is very long, and it grows in hollow. It is covered with white and transparent small particles on the back of the leaves.

The difference between mandala and okra ~ flowers

Mandala’s flower

The flowers of the mandala are born between the branches or the axillary of the leaf, which grows upright, with a short stalk;

The corolla is funnel -shaped, with half part of the lower part, white or lilac on the upper part.

The stamens are shorter than the corolla, with the flowers of about 3 cm in length. The overall flower is purple, blue, etc. The flowering period is between June and October each year.

Okra flower

The axillary of the okra flower starts from the main plant of the flower axillary, and in the future, there is a flower in each section.

The petals are yellow, with 5 pieces of one piece. The flowering period is very short. It is only a few hours. Thanks on the same day.

After the flowers, the fruit will come out.

Well, Xiaobian will help you distinguish them from their leaves and flowers’ appearance characteristics. In fact, from the leaves or flowers, you will know who is. I hope you will distinguish it through flowers and leaves next time!