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The difference between night flowers and lily flowers

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Different families of night flowers and lilies belong to

The night flower is wooden plants, Magnolia, Magnolia, and lily is herbal plants, Lily, Lily.

The flowers of night flowers and lilies are different

Compared with the flowers of night flowers and lily flowers, the flowers of lily flowers are leak -shaped, while the flowers of the night flowers are oval, and the stems are bent down.

The leaves of night flowers and lilies are different

The leaves of the night flowers are leather, oval, narrow oval or obovate, and the total number of leaves of lily flowers can be more than 100.The veins are curved.Obviously different from night flowers.

Probably, everyone is misled by this similar name!

Different plants of night flowers and lilies are different

The night flower is a wooden plant. The plant is obviously similar to the trees, while the lily flower is herbal plants, and the shape of the plant is more like grass.

So do n’t see the name of the name for granted to the range of the night flowers into lilies ~ they are two completely different species ~