The sweet potato hydroponic tutorial is here, eating it is better than eating ginseng

Step, picking sweet potatoes on the market

Excluding frozen and falling sweet potatoes, the rest can be purchased for hydroponic cultivation. The size of tall and short, fat is thin and thin, depending on personal love.

Step 2 Place sweet potatoes in hydroponic containers

In fact, sweet potatoes can be hydroponic or soil. For simple and convenient, we take hydroponics. When hydroponic, pay attention to the growth direction of sweet potatoes. There will be one end of the roots, and there will be no roots. One third of the water without sweet potato.

Step 3 Late -stage maintenance management

Put the hydroponic sweet potatoes in a bright place. When the temperature is high in summer, it is best to change the water every day until the new roots grow. Different environments, the time for sweet potatoes to germinate is different, everyone should wait patiently.

In the end, after a few weeks of growth, we can get enough sweet potato leaves. When we want to eat it, it will be safe and polluted, and the vegetables are organized!

Recommendation method

Garlic potato and potato leaves

Ingredients: sweet potato leaves, garlic, oil

first step:

Wash the sweet potato leaves, boil the water, drop a few drops of oil.

Step 2:

Sashish the potato leaves, turn it green, and get it in cold water, so that the dishes that are fried will be green.

third step:

Hot pot, oil, garlic.

the fourth step:

Put the fried potato leaves in, add salt, stir fry a few times.

How can I raise it? I can’t wait to try it?