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What kinds of varieties of Tiger Land

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Phnom Penh Tiger

Leaves are 70 ~ 80 cm, and the leaves have golden striped.

Short arazzle

Also known as Xiaohu, Tiger Varges, plant height is only 10 cm, and the leaves are short and width. It is arranged in a lotus-shaped, the leaves are 7 to 10 cm, the width is 2.5 ~ 3 cm, and the leaves are dark green, and there is a horizontal gray tiger. Strip.

Golden Bench Black Tiger

The leaves have golden yellow to the white wide side, and sometimes the entire blade is golden or milky white, and only a small portion of the center is green, and other features are as short and white tirand.

Round leaf tiger

Also known as the bods, the tiger leaf, round leaf tiger skin tiger leaf, cartridge hair lanter, etc., the stem is short or no, the mever leaves are thin, the top is sharp, hard, erect, sometimes slightly bending, Leaves are 80 ~ 100 cm, 3 cm in diameter, dark green, and landscape. Total sequence, small flower white or light pink.

Guangye Tiger

Also known as the fan blanks, the leaves are wide.

Ji Ye Tiger

Plants are radial, foliatric, cone, leaf groove shape, back half round, leafy yellow brown. Leaves dark green, landscape light green tiger tiger.


Leaf mask is wide and narrow, and the characteristics of silver white vertical stripes.


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