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Wine breeding method and precautions

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Fine breeding method


Seeing the grass in the moon, it is suitable for cultivation in the garden ventilation, and can be cultured on the balcony and absorb sunlight daily.


During the growth, 1-2 liquid fertilizers per month, the fertilization is mainly based on nitrogen fertilizer, and the surrogacy is mainly phosphorus potassium fertilizer.


The moon is more droughtable, but it is not done. When the surface of the soil is worn, it should be watering in time. After watering, it is necessary to carry out the cultivation of the grass in time, with the benefits and ventilation, so that the plant grows and robust.


Moonlight is not strict on soil, general neutral, micro-alkali or microacid soil can be, good drainage, and the elastic duct growth of donor fertilizers is the best.

Precautions for the melamine

Picking up after planting

If you look at the moon from elsewhere, you have to take a pick-up after planting the seedlings, which prompted its branches and plants to increase the amount of flowers.

South can open in place

The moon is more cold and cold. In the warm area in the Yangtze River Basin, you can open the winter, but if the temperature is too low, it will be transferred to the greenhouse farming.

Increase fertilization during flowering

During the moon, the grass is used to use thin human urine, or a soybean cake, rapeseed cake, and a mixed liquid fertilizer, 9 parts of the water fertilizer, every 3-4 days.

Suitable for sowing in October

The moon is generally suitable for sowing in October. When winter, the seedlings will be transferred to the indoor winter, and the spring is planted.

In the second year of cultivation, flowering is more cultivated than one year.

Suitable for cutting in spring, summer

The cutting is suitable for the spring and summer season, and the sprout is rooted around about a month. It can bloom in about 85 days after the upper basin is survived.

Winter stop fertilization

In the moon, see the grass in the room and stop fertilization.


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