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Yangshui fairy soil is well cultivated or hydroponic

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The soil is good or hydroponic

Yangshuyashi soil is better.Soyura fairy generally uses soil cultivation for breeding, because hydroponic effects are often not satisfactory.


Compared to Chinese narcissus, the root speed of Yangshui fairy is very slow.Under low temperature conditions, the roots of Yangshuya need to take a month, and Chinese narcissus only needs to soak in the water to see a pile of roots.And in the case of high temperature, Yangdivi will not wake up.

In the soil cultivation, the surgeon fairy, even if there is no bud, do not have to worry about whether it will die, because the ocean scholarship needs more nutrients and needs to go through a careful maintenance process.And the ocean -moving narcissus under hydroponic cultivation can indeed sprout, and the speed of bud may be faster than the soil cultivation, but the maintenance process of the period before flowering is difficult to grasp.Rhizon is not as easy to hydroponic as Chinese narcissus.The roots of the galcoian and the number of flowers or even the scent of flowers are far lower than that of Chinese narcissus, and the breeding difficulty is relatively high.

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