The maintenance method and precautions of Haixianhua

The maintenance method of Haixianhua

Selection of the soil of Haixianhua

Choose a sandy loam with good drainage and good breathability as a cultivation substrate, which can be properly mixed with nutritional peat soil. After sowing, it can cover a layer of 1-2 cm thick sand to promote seed germination.

Haixianhua’s fertilization management

A small amount of fertilizer fertilizer is mixed in the cultivation substrate as the base fertilizer to ensure that the early nutrition supply is sufficient, and the roots and soil plates are used to avoid directly applying chemical fertilizer to the roots and soil plates. When planting, it is applied to fertilizer for fertilization or humus, and it is applied at least once a month in the growth season. After transplanting Haixian flower seedlings to the garden, every two to 3 years in the dormant period of winter or early spring, we can apply fertilizer at the root.

The water supply of Haixian flowers

Spring is the growth and germination period of Haishixian flowers. It needs to be reserved with sufficient water. Therefore, pay attention to watering during the growth season. As the growth season comes, the amount of watering must be gradually increased to keep the soil moist. In summer, high temperature, dry and easy to get yellow and dry, or dry branches. Therefore, it is important to keep sufficient water. Pay attention to spraying water to cool down and move to the semi -humid place for maintenance.

The potted seafood flowers in winter can be moved into the room. Watering in the outdoor or garden should pay attention to the appropriate amount to avoid freezing and rhizomes.

Precautions for Haixianhua Conservation

Haixianhua’s pruning

The growth period of Haixianhua and high ornamental value are high, so in order to increase its ornamental. The whole spring should be carried out, cut off the old and weak branches, diseases and insect branches, and cut the long branches shortly to promote the formation of new flower buds. After flowering, remove the inflorescence in time to promote flowering in the coming year. 2-3 years is a whole branch cycle, and the old branches of more than 3 years are properly cut off to promote the strength of the new branches.

Prevention and treatment

Haixian flowers occasionally have aphids and red spiders harmful, and can be sprayed with dairy fruit oil.

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