Tao Jinniang\’s breeding method and precautions

Tao Jinniang\’s breeding method


Tao Jinniang likes acidic soil and can resist barren.

Light and temperature

Tao Jinniang likes the growth environment of semi -yin. It is necessary to ensure sufficient light. Spring, autumn, and winter can give sufficient light, but in high temperature summer, shading is needed. In winter, it is mainly placed in the indoor light. Local maintenance. Tao Jinniang likes a warm growth environment and is not cold. The suitable temperature for growth is between 15 ° C -35 ° C. In winter, the temperature needs to be kept about 10 ° C. When the summer is high in summer, the air humidity is increased by spraying water. In winter, you need to be placed in a warm room for winter, and you need to use plastic membranes to warm up the outdoor winter.

Watering and fertilization

Tao Jinniang likes a moist environment, and has greater demand for water and fertilizer during the strong period of growth. In spring and summer, and autumn, watering is needed to fertilize, and water and fertilizer are needed. Winter is the dormant period of Tao Jinniang, which can reduce watering and fertilization appropriately. Basically, it is necessary to increase or reduce the application of water and fertilizer according to the weather conditions and the growth of the plant.

Tao Jinniang\’s Note Precautions

Breeding method

The breeding of Tao Jinniang adopts the method of sowing and cutting breeding. The seedling reproduction is generally transplanted when the seedlings grow 2-3 leaves. The cuttings can be cut with tender branches during the strong growth period.


Tao Jinniang has a strong anti -disease resistance and less pests and insect pests. However, there will be rust -Jun 2 infection, which harms the leaves. The diseased leaves need to be removed.

Air humidity

Tao Jinniang likes higher air humidity. If the air humidity is too low, the lower leaves of Tao Jinniang will make yellow, lose their luster, and even fall off.