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How to sow the four seasons

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Selection of seasons container and matrix It is easy to select a more breathable and water permeable. Soil matrix requirements are relatively loose, fertile, generally spoons the soil is most suitable, through sunlight or high… How to sow the four seasons

How to buy a product red

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Yipin red chest tips 1: look at the head The ideal one-piece red flower head is consistent, evenly distributed on each sphere, the dense clouds are surrounded, and the crown has a certain height. Such… How to buy a product red

Ping An tree breeding method

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Reproduction time Ping An tree breeds every year from November and 9-0 months, the propagation temperature is most suitable at 22-28 ° C. Growing soil Potted safe trees are most suitable for use in breathable… Ping An tree breeding method

Douban green breeding method

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Soil choice 豆瓣绿要求土壤腐殖质丰富、疏松、肥沃、排水良好。可以选择叶土7份、河沙3份,加少量基肥配成培养土,或者用泥炭土6份、珍珠岩4份及少量基肥混合配制。种植时一般直接购买盆栽,不需要配土,大家对土壤的成分稍有了解即可。 Temperature requirements 豆瓣绿性喜温暖、湿润、半阴的环境,耐高温,生长适温为25℃左右,冬季在10~15℃可以正常生长,10℃以下停止生长,5℃以下受害,低于0℃会受冻死亡。小小一盆豆瓣绿叶不是那么好养的。 Illumination requirements 豆瓣绿较耐阴,四季均可放室内有明亮散射光处培养。春秋季可多见些光,冬季放朝南窗沿附近多见阳光,夏季放朝北窗台,适当遮光。光线适宜时叶色艳丽,光线太强或太暗都会使叶色失去娇艳色彩。 Watering method 浇水要盆土干湿相宜,生长过程中,春秋是生长发育旺季,水量多些。夏季天气炎热但植株因温度高其生长反而缓慢,可早晨或傍晚各浇1次,高温多湿茎叶易烂,具体看天气及盆土而定。盆土应略偏干一些,因其茎叶肉质肥厚,过湿易使根部腐烂,特别是冬季因气温低,呈休眠状态,盆土宜带干。 Fertilization method 豆瓣绿通常2~3年更新1次培养土。生长期间,每隔15~20天追施1次腐熟液肥或氮磷化肥,浓度为饼肥15%~20%,氮磷复合肥0.2%~0.3%。若施肥不知分寸,可减少氮肥,可使叶片上的斑纹更加显著。 Precautions 别看豆瓣绿小小一盆很可爱,那是人家养的好。若养护三心二意,它也是会徒长的。所以要及时修剪。当豆瓣绿长到10厘米左右,要摘心,促进侧枝萌发,使植株更丰满。 平时管理注意光线适度,肥水合理。阳光不太强烈时,可把盆栽放置室外。但夏季不能受强光直射,尤其不能放在晒太阳的场所,否则会造成枝叶发黄。

Is Douban Green flowers?

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Is Douban Green flowers? Douban green is blooming, just is not common.If maintenance is maintained, Douban green will open twice a year, and the flowers are in 2 – April and 9- October. Douban green… Is Douban Green flowers?