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Aquaculture method

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Daily management Potted phoenix, the summer should reduce the light, placed in a cool place in the outdoor, pay attention to the water, keep the pelvic moist, and sprinkle water to the ground, thus maintaining… Aquaculture method

Purple peony bacon

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How to raise First, we must breach a polymetic peony. We should understand its growth habits and morphological characteristics, and the meat violet peony grows in the warm hills of climate. It is originally produced… Purple peony bacon

How to raise a child?

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Reproduction The child’s main buds can be protected from the rack of the plants to continue from the sprouts from the residual stems. It is very easy to grow in the lateral buds. The spring… How to raise a child?

When is African jasmine flowers?

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When will I bloom? 小编可以肯定的告诉大家,非洲茉莉是可以开花的。花期是5~6月,花顶生,花冠白或黄白色。花序直立顶生,有花1至3朵,有极短的总花梗,花冠白色,漏斗状,有芳香,上部5裂,整个花冠呈小喇叭状。但它开花的花龄较长,少则5年,多则十几年,普通花友很难撑到开花的那一刻。 怎么让它开花 非洲茉莉生长期间需要充足的磷钾肥,但人们在施肥的时候往往侧重于氮肥。的确,氮肥可以长叶,保证叶片鲜绿,同时也阻碍了花芽的分化。为此,在生长季节特别是孕蕾时期,要少施氮肥多施磷钾肥,除用腐烂的骨粉、禽粪做基肥外,还可用骨头、禽粪腐烂浸出液或速效磷钾肥做追肥。 非洲茉莉是喜光植物,家庭中阳台不能整天接受光照,植株会因为荫蔽时间偏长,导致叶片大而稀疏,这在一定程度上拉长了开花年限。所以要想开花,平时要尽可能的将植株移到阳光下,若家住在楼房,操作不便,又怕暴晒,可以每周末移到室外,接受3~4小时的阳光直射。如果你家的非洲茉莉已经养了3、4年了,多增加光照,第5年说不定就开花。